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Journey With Every Word.

Kim Profile Pic

I'm So Glad You're Here!


I'm Kim, a passionate globe trekker and the creative mind behind Prose and Passports. I've been a backpacker and world traveler for over 22 years, traveled to 34 countries, 28 of those solo, and even lived in Switzerland for a year to mend my heart during a difficult breakup. This is my little corner of the internet where I share travel tips, travel stories, and what it's like to leave the "real world" to chase my dreams in my mid-40s (which is scary and exciting)!


Prose and Passports was born in February 2024, shortly after publishing Backpackers' Guide to the Globe, a solo travel guide for women, that I hope you'll read! This blog is an extension of that passion project and an evolving platform, so pardon the stardust along the way! If you want to know a bit more about who I am and why I created Prose and Passports, click here.


You'll find I pour my heart into creating travel content designed to inspire, entertain, and educate you for your adventures. Some topics you may find on the blog include:

  • Solo Travel Tips 
    I traveled solo for 11 years before I met and traveled with my husband for the next 11. Now I'm 44 years old and starting to travel solo again (while still happily married). I am excited to reconnect with my solo travel superpowers (which can wane) and share solo travel tips to give you the confidence to travel the world solo (even if you're in a relationship) 


  • Women's Travel Tips
    As nice as it would be to travel the world as unencumbered as men, the truth is there are considerations women must plan for and consider while traveling. This can range from personal safety to managing your period or birth control while traveling. I'll share some of my experiences and best advice from 22 years of traveling. 

  • Couple Travels
    I have traveled with my husband for nearly as long as I traveled solo. Traveling with someone else (romantic or otherwise) is a learned skill (especially if you traveled solo in the past). I'll share my experiences in traveling with my partner to help you better navigate traveling with yours.

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Three Bites Thursday is my weekly dose of bite-sized travel inspiration to kickstart your weekends. 


As a thank you for subscribing, you’ll also receive my exclusive Solo Travel Training Guide, packed with actionable strategies designed to build your confidence to enjoy solo adventures.

I promise to not to spam you and you can unsubscribe at any time.

​Be sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don't see Three Bites Thursday hit your inbox.

Camino de Santigo, Spain 2010.jpg
  • Personal Travel Stories 
    Some posts won't be informative how-to's, rather musings and reflections over 22+ years of traveling. I hope you find them engaging.​​


  • Packing Tips & Lists
    Every trip has a different packing requirement, similar to how traveling at different ages will impact your packing approach. While I try to live by a less-is-more philosophy, if you're happy to carry it, then always pack what you need.

  • Pet-Friendly Travel 
    I don't have kids or travel with children but I do travel with my dog often. Traveling with pets requires special consideration and added costs. I share travel advice based on my experiences traveling with a pet including pet friendly and affordable accommodations.​​

  • General Travel Advice 
    The world is changing and yet there is so much timeless travel advice to share. I'm excited to share general travel tips and advice I've learned or am learning for you to apply when exploring new places. Use what works for you and toss the rest! ​

  • ​...and More!

​If there are travel topics you want to learn more about, feel free to contact me here.


I believe in the power of travel to transform lives and build community. I’m excited to share this journey with you and hope you'll join me. ​


The World is Waiting—Let’s Get Going!

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